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During these past few weeks in class we have talked a lot about our LEAP 3 which we had to collaborate and work with another student in our class where we document the work of an educator who is exploring digital literacy and then make a connection with the work of another scholar who is writing about issues that is relevant to our topic. I enjoyed this project because the professor i interviewed was very excited and enthusiast about the topic and being interviewed. We had a great conversation and it flowed really easily with the questions i had written down to ask her. I think the most exciting part was when we sent her over our final project and she asked if she can put this up for all of her students to see. She was very impressed with our work and how we put the project together. I think having to interview a professor and interact with is a great way to understand what that person is thinking on a topic that we are studying and learning about. It can be very interesting to see what their opinion is on the topic rather than just what my classmates and friends think about it, especially an adult and teacher who has more knowledge on the topic. 


Recently in class this past week we were talking about our LEAP 4 and also we watched a video by Ken Robinson called changing education paradigms. For our LEAP 4 we had to chose a topic of our choice and find scholarly articles and annotate them, create a podcast, create an infogram and annotate bibliography. The topic that i chose was a topic how did Copernicus convince others that the solar system is heliocentric rather than geocentric? I chose this topic because it was relevant in my astronomy class because we had just learned about this. I felt that this topic is something that doesn't get brought up a lot but many people believe wrong about the solar system. Many people think that the Earth is the center of the solar system rather than it actually being the Sun which is the correct idea. I researched articles and websites that proved that people actually had no idea about which was correct, which is kind of sad because the solar system is a huge topic. Researching the scholarly articles and having to annotate them and then annotate bibliography has taught me a lot about researching on topics. I’m happy that we had to do all of these things for our topic because i definitely have learned a lot from doing so. 

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